Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ok let's just get this going shall we? (Star Gypsy sample)

Trying really hard not to look at this like homework. So give me comments and bloat my ego, k?

Got a few things in the pipeline coming.
I recently got  'The Star Gypsy' back from my editor, and am going through the process of getting all that up to snuff before I post it with haste to amazon, for free! At this point, as an unknown author, I find it foolish to charge anybody anything for something they most likely wouldn't think twice about passing up. Getting the tires to spin a little less in the mud of obscurity is more important than any money I could make at it right now... or so I'm guessing. Time will tell.

So, while I'm procrastinating with all of that, why not give a little sample of what's to come? Sure, here ya go:

But now, I looked down at her, monitors all taped and prodding her body, not one detecting a single physical ailment. She was tired, that was obvious, but otherwise her tenacity seemed intact. Was it truly the Nausea? I wondered.
“I told you, you will go on. Didn’t I?” She said clasping my hand, “Do you remember me saying that?”
“Yes,” I admitted, “I do.”
But what did she expect? For me to continue without her? I wasn’t about to take up the mantle of her life’s work, let alone join her disciples to see it through; that was not what I signed up for.
“But Rae, you’re in no condition to even make it to Neptune now, I hardly think I’ll be able to give the notion much consideration since you’re...” I searched my brain’s catalogue in order to put it sensitively, “with you forced to stay in a bed looked on by doctors like this.”
“This changes nothing for me.” She sat up. “Datch, I want for you to understand this more than anything else. Just because we don’t understand what’s happening to us out here doesn’t mean we should run from it. I always wondered and even feared what might become of me should the Nausea take me. But now I know more than ever I must keep on despite it. Because of it.”
Her eyes stared blankly, and her voice lacked much of her old vivacity. Ironically, the words she spoke, given the situation, led me to wonder if her personality was even gone.
“Rae, you can’t feel anything though, your sense of fear’s been wiped out from you.”
“No,” she said, lying back down, “My courage has simply been bolstered. It’s not like I thought it would be. It’s...” she was looking for her words, her mannerisms were becoming eerily mechanic, “My purpose is strengthened. I can see my destiny now, though I don’t know its name or place. There is water, an ocean. Life entering it for the first time. Communion upon the Cosmic Strings. Death, rebirth, reproduction, love... it’s all there....”
Her energies were waning. She had fallen back to sleep. I quietly and readily slipped out of the room, informed the nurse she was sleeping and decided to make my way to my lodgings.
I was accosted by her disciples.
“What did she say to you?”
“Is she well? Will she get better?”
“She will overcome this, yes?” another asserted.
“She’s stronger than most. It’s different for her isn’t it?”
“Look everybody,” I started, “she seems—well, okay considering, but really I don’t know—
“But what did she say to you?”
“Is she the same?”
“How did it affect her, you spoke to her, didn’t you?”
“I’m not sure,” I tried to interject above the swarm about me, “There isn’t really anything I know! At all. I need to sleep, I suggest you all do the same. So please, just leave me alone.”
I shouted at them, in anger, and drove off. I had to get away from them.
They didn’t deserve it; I knew that. They just wanted to know what her fate might be. My anger was misplaced. They loved her. All this was affecting more than I cared to admit. I’d grown too close.

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