Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Other Projects

Just got a little further with some of my other projects today. As of now my first submission is under review in Amazon's Kindle market. It will be the short story "The Star Gypsy".
Not the first thing I've written, but the first I'm putting out there--well first thing that's actually getting out there. I'm actually quite psyched about the prospects of indy/self-publishing after getting a slew of canned rejection letters trying to get published the old fashion way. (Yeah, I don't care what any professors or "older" professionals can tell me at this point; I'm near 100% positive in my gut that without a name they already recognize nobody is even reading your manuscript.) So anyone reading this who might be sitting on the fence, go do it! You really can't lose anything.
On a more frustrating side, I was really banking to get this one out there as a free download. Amazon say: NOPE. Oh well, I made it as cheap as possible (.99). Hopefully that won't keep people from not looking into a new unknown too much.

My name is Brand! I've published once! So check me out!

Check me on facebook.
Like the story!

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