Monday, October 28, 2013

Upon Light's First Shedding

Lately I've been spending some time getting some projects finally up and going that have long been in the pipelines. This here short story, available on Amazon, is part of something that has been in my mental soup for almost seven years now. I'm hoping to present it to the world in its entirety very soon, but my ambition and imagination I find still have a bit of a gap between them. That is what I envision and the effort/time required to reach that seem too often disproportionate. It will be finished soon, I promise to my possible future horde of fans. Here's the description I wrote for its Amazon listing:
Young Enddund, a squire fixated upon the future joys of life, would forsake the life lifted from a vassal childhood, given him by his mentor Sir Garrenth, for seemingly nothing other than the call of a maiden barely known.
Here's a link to my Facebook author page where you can find sketches and some concept art for this project. Updates soon. In the meantime read it, read my other short, comment, tell your friends.

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